Executive Orders
Columbia, S.C. – Gov. Henry McMaster’s schedule for the week of May 14th includes:
Tuesday, May 15, 10:30 AM: Gov. McMaster will recognize Military Spouse Appreciation month, State House, first floor lobby, Columbia, S.C.
Tuesday, May 15, 2:00 PM: Gov. McMaster will speak at the South Carolina Highway Patrol graduation, Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, 1101 Lincoln Street, Columbia, S.C.
Wednesday, May 16, 10:00 AM: Gov. McMaster to participate in Google’s First CS Roadshow, a Computer Science Education event, Whitesville Elementary School, 324 Gaillard Road, Moncks Corner, S.C.
Wednesday, May 16, 12:15 PM: Gov. McMaster to speak at Mount Pleasant Rotary Club meeting, Harbour Breeze, 178 Patriots Point Road, Mount Pleasant, S.C.
Friday, May 18, 8:45 AM: Gov. McMaster will speak at the Greenville County Law Enforcement Appreciation Day breakfast, Tommy’s Country Ham House, 214 Rutherford Street, Greenville, S.C.
Friday, May 18, 12:00 PM: Gov. McMaster will speak at the Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce’s Government Relations Meeting, Beaumont Mills, Chapman Board Room, 700 N. Pine Street, Spartanburg, S.C.
Gov. Henry McMaster’s Weekly Schedule: May 7, 2018
Columbia, S.C. – Gov. Henry McMaster’s schedule for the week of May 7, 2018 included:
Monday, May 7
2:15 PM: Policy meeting.
Tuesday, May 8
10:00 AM: Gov. McMaster participated in a Hurricane Tabletop exercise with state officials, Columbia, S.C.
12:00 PM: Media availability.
Gov. McMaster was in the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, first floor, Columbia, S.C.
12:45 PM: Policy meeting.
1:00 PM: Constituent meeting.
1:15 PM: Constituent meeting.
1:30 PM: Constituent meeting.
1:45 PM: Constituent meeting.
Wednesday, May 9
Gov. McMaster was in the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, first floor, Columbia, S.C.
10:00 AM: Gov. McMaster presented the Order of the Palmetto to Sergeant at Arms Jim Melton, South Carolina Senate, Columbia, S.C.
6:00 PM: Gov. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster attended a University of South Carolina Equestrian event with special guest Burt Bacharach, Columbia, S.C.
Thursday, May 10
1:00 PM: Call with Dan Brouillette, U.S. Department of Energy.
3:30 PM: Call with Marc Short, Assistant to the President.
3:45 PM: Policy meeting.
6:30 PM: Gov. McMaster presented the Order of Palmetto to Bruce Williams at the Tourism Partners events, Governor’s Mansion, Columbia, S.C.
Friday, May 11
10:20 AM: Gov. McMaster attended an economic development groundbreaking celebration, Science Applications International Corporation, Hanahan, S.C.
Saturday, May 12
12:20 PM: Gov. McMaster spoke at the York Electric Cooporative meeting, York, S.C.