Executive Orders
Columbia, S.C. – Gov. Henry McMaster’s schedule for the week of June 11th includes:
Thursday, June 13, 9:00 AM: Gov. McMaster will provide welcome remarks at the South Carolina State Firefighters Association’s Annual Conference, Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, 1101 Lincoln Street, Columbia, S.C.
Friday, June 14, 11:00 AM: Gov. McMaster will be keynote speaker at the Palmetto Boys and Palmetto Girls’ State Inauguration Ceremony, north steps, State House, 1100 Gervais Street, Columbia, S.C.
Gov. Henry McMaster’s Weekly Schedule: June 4, 2018
Columbia, S.C. – Gov. Henry McMaster’s schedule for the week of June 4, 2018 included:
Monday, June 4
10:30 AM: Gov. McMaster held a ceremonial bill signing for nine bills aimed at combating the opioid epidemic in South Carolina, The Gibson Training Center (Phoenix Center), Greenville, S.C.
3:00 PM: Call with a fellow governor.
Wednesday, June 6
7:45 PM: Call with a member of the South Carolina Congressional Delegation.
Thursday, June 7
6:45 PM: Gov. McMaster and South Carolina Ports Authority President and CEO Jim Newsome held a press conference regarding the Charleston Harbor Deepening Project, Yorktown, Mount Pleasant, S.C.