Executive Orders
Columbia, S.C. – Gov. Henry McMaster’s schedule for the week of April 17 includes:
Monday, April 17, 2:00 PM: Gov. McMaster will participate in the statue dedication for Senator Fritz Hollings, 83 Meeting Street, Charleston, S.C.
Wednesday, April 19, 10:00 AM: Gov. McMaster will speak to the White Knoll High School Student Council Coalition awards luncheon, Carolina Room at the Inn at USC Wyndham Garden Columbia, 1619 Pendleton Street, Columbia, S.C.
Thursday, April 20, 2:30 PM: Gov. McMaster will tour and speak at the Scout Boats facility, 2531 Highway, 78 West, Summerville, S.C.
Gov. Henry McMaster’s Weekly Schedule: April 10, 2017
Columbia, S.C. – Gov. Henry McMaster’s schedule for the week of April 10, 2017 included:
Monday, April 10
Gov. McMaster arrived at the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, Columbia, S.C.
9:30 AM: Gov. McMaster participated in the 49th RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing Parade & Opening Ceremonies, Liberty Oak in Harbour Town Golf Links, Hilton Head Island, S.C.
2:15 PM: Agency meeting.
2:50 PM: Policy meeting.
3:00 PM: Policy call.
3:45 PM: Policy meeting.
Tuesday, April 11
Gov. McMaster arrived at the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, Columbia, S.C.
11:30 AM: Policy meeting.
1:00 PM: Constituent meeting.
1:15 PM: Policy meeting.
1:30 PM: Constituent meeting.
5:00 PM: Gov. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster attended a reception hosted by the Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce, Drayton Mills Lofts, Spartanburg, S.C.
6:00 PM: Economic development meeting.
6:15 PM: Gov. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster attended the Carolina Pregnancy Center Banquet, Spartanburg Expo Center, Spartanburg, S.C.
Wednesday, April 12
Gov. McMaster arrived at the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, Columbia, S.C.
10:00 AM: Gov. McMaster participated in the Donate Life S.C. and National Donate Life Month annual partnership press conference.
11:00 AM: Gov. McMaster attended and spoke at the Fallen Firefighter memorial service, Columbia, S.C.
12:30 PM: Economic development meeting.
1:30 PM: Policy meeting.
2:30 PM: Agency meeting.
4:30 PM: Gov. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster hosted the annual Mansion Easter Egg Hunt at the Governor’s Mansion, S.C.
Thursday, April 13
9:15 AM: Gov. McMaster attended and gave the opening remarks at the Palmetto State Invitational, , Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Gov. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster attended the 49th RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing golf tournament, Hilton Head Island, S.C.
2:45 PM: Gov. McMaster participated in the Award Ceremony at the Palmetto State Invitational, Hilton Head Island, S.C.
7:30 PM: Economic development meeting.
7:45 PM: Gov. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster attended the Palmetto State Reception, Sonesta Resort Hilton Head Island, Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Friday, April 14
Gov. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster attended the 49th RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing golf tournament, Hilton Head Island, S.C.
10:00 AM: Economic development meeting.
11:35 AM: Tourism meeting.
12:00 PM: Economic development meeting.
12:40 PM: Tourism meeting.
1:30 PM: Economic development meeting.
2:15 PM: Economic development meeting.
2:45 PM: Economic development meeting.
3:30 PM: Economic development meeting.
Sunday, April 16
4:15 PM: Economic development meeting.
Gov. McMaster participated in the 49th RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing Trophy Presentation, Hilton Head Island, S.C.