Executive Orders
Columbia, S.C. – Gov. Henry McMaster’s schedule for the week of January 2 includes:
Wednesday, January 3, 9:30 AM: Gov. McMaster will testify before the USTR/TPSC Public Hearing regarding the International Trade Commission’s recommended tariffs in the Section 201 case involving large residential washers, 1724 F Street NW, Washington, D.C.
COLUMBIA, S.C. – Gov. Henry McMaster’s schedule from December 18 2017 - January 1, 2018 included:
Monday, December 18
10:00 AM: Gov. McMaster was joined by members of the General Assembly, cabinet officials, and members of the law enforcement community to make an announcement regarding a statewide response to the opioid crisis in South Carolina, the South Carolina Emergency Operations Center, West Columbia, S.C.
Gov. McMaster was in the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, Columbia, S.C.
11:15 AM: Policy meeting.
12:00 PM: Gov. McMaster attended the luncheon in honor of Stephen Breyer and Robert Sumwalt, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.
1:30 PM: Policy meeting.
Tuesday, December 19
9:30 AM: Agency meeting.
2:00 PM: Gov. McMaster joined local officials in the launch of Senior Rides of Lexington, West Columbia, S.C.
3:30 PM: Policy meeting.
Wednesday, December 20
Gov. McMaster was in the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, Columbia, S.C.
10:00 AM: Legislative call.
11:00 AM: Policy meeting.
11:30 AM: Policy meeting.
12:00 PM: Constituent meeting.
12:30 PM: Legislative call.
Thursday, December 21
Gov. McMaster was in the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, Columbia, S.C.
10:30 AM: Economic development meeting.
11:00 AM: Economic development meeting.
11:30 AM: Policy meeting.
12:00 PM: Agency meeting.
Wednesday, December 27
11:00 AM: Gov. McMaster participated in the economic development celebration at Nephron Pharmaceuticals, Columbia, S.C.
Thursday, December 28
10:00 AM: Media interview.
Gov. McMaster was in the Office of the Governor for office hours, State House, Columbia, S.C.
11:00 AM: Agency meeting.